Our Team

Born and raised in Muaná on the island of Marajó, from the waters came the desire to break barriers in the search for personal and professional fulfillment. He moved to Ananindeua to study at the Federal University of Pará. Communication has always been present in his life through books, television and radio. He sees the area as a powerful tool for transforming, disseminating and sharing knowledge, beyond physical borders. She is an intern at Instituto Repartir.

Born and raised in São Paulo (capital), since he was little he has always been interested in books and video clips and very curious about the media. Within his journey he has participated in theater collectives and ventured into cultural, musical and audiovisual production. He studies Advertising at UNISA and has a great desire to contribute with his work to impact people through communication. He is an intern at Instituto Repartir.
Journalism major, she specialized in Sustainability and Engagement Communication. In her professional journey, she experienced writing for websites and magazines, integrated communication agencies and companies. Today, she works with non-profit organizations, applying her professional knowledge in favor of socio-environmental causes. She works as coordinator at Instituto Repartir.
Born in the Igarapé Preto quilombola community, in Oeiras do Pará, in the interior of the state, she moved to Belém to study Journalism at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). She discovered her passion for journalism through social media and dreams of becoming a prestigious journalist. He believes in communication as a way to gain recognition for his work and to show the importance of the quilombola struggle. She is an intern at Instituto Repartir.
Born and raised on the outskirts of Curitiba and Araucária, in Paraná, he is a Public Relations student at Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) thanks to social initiatives and wonderful people. In his career, he worked in popular courses, where he found in communication a way to give access to education to people with realities similar to his own. In addition to studying, he composes song lyrics. He is an intern at Instituto Repartir.
Born in Santos (SP), she has a son named Felipe and degrees on Journalism and Pedagogy. For 20 years, she has worked with communication, branding, social responsibility and sustainability in the private and non-profit sectors. Dreaming of socially impacting the community, she is the co-founder of Instituto Repartir and believes in diversity and in multiple skills and abilities as ways to transformation.
Graduated in Journalism at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), born and raised in the interior of Bahia. With each passing day she is more passionate about the transforming power of communication. She believes that one of the journalist's roles is to be a spokesperson for minorities. One of the motivations for choosing journalism was the search for simple and uncomplicated information. After two years as an intern at Instituto Repartir, she now provides services to the organization.

A resident of the outskirts of São Luís, in the State of Maranhão, she seeks to understand who she is in the place where she was placed and what her role is beyond herself. Studying Marketing at Centro Universitário UNDB, with a full scholarship. He sees the Repartir Institute as an opportunity to work on communication for the benefit of the community, under the motto of life in common that living is sharing. She is an intern at Instituto Repartir.
He is Felipe's father, and believes in the power of communication to promote social transformation and to reduce inequality. He also believes in the strengthening of multiple voices. As Eduardo Galeano has written, “when it's true, when it's born from the need of speaking, the human voice can't find anyone who detains it”. He is a journalist, writer, communication consultant and co-founder of Instituto Repartir.
Advisory Board

Born in the city of Santos, she has a degree in Advertising and loves branding. She understands that brands are made by people and their role is to promote transformation with a clear and real purpose. With over 17 years of experience in the renewable electric power business, she has seen up close how it is to develop initiatives in favor of vulnerable communities and its impacts.

Born in Itanhaém (SP), she has a degree in Advertising and a PG in Organizational Marketing. She has 17 years of experience in communications and about 5 years of experience in sustainability, focused on socio-environmental impact, and understands that this impact must contribute to a prosperous equity-based society for all.

Born in Rio de Janeiro, she is a researcher with a degree in Journalism and History. For about 8 years she has worked with social justice-related philanthropy in organizations that dedicate themselves to strengthen institutions, groups and movements that stand up for rights all over the country. She believes in communication as a way to build bridges and connections towards a Brazil with equity.
Fiscal Council

Born in São Paulo (SP), he graduated in Civil Engineering, specializing in finance. He has been working for more than 10 years as Business Controller in a Brazilian company in the construction materials segment. He had many people, throughout his journey, who contributed to his development and, therefore, he wants to repay part of this knowledge with Repartir, which has as its agenda the fight against social inequality.
Who has already shared

“Repartir put me in contact with other (and many) people with different views, struggles and causes. And this certainly brought me closer to a different reality than mine and made me think about what really is fair, it encouraged me to create critical thinking about the injustices in the world and how it could improve!”

"By joining Repartir, I had the opportunity to work in the area of communication, focused especially on the third sector. This experience allowed me to transform realities and have a significant social impact on people's lives. Dealing with sensitive causes in different Brazilian states was an amazing experience."

"I had incredible experiences. I received support to move forward and fight for my dreams. It was and will always be an honor to have participated in this wonderful team and started my professional journey at Instituto Repartir."

"Instituto Repartir showed me it's possible to win even when I didn't see the chances myself. Now I'm grateful for everything that I've learned, for every moment that I have spent with this amazing team who I'll treasure for the rest of my life. I can say that I ended my journey as a whole new person. Thank you so much."

"Instituto Repartir came into my life at a crucial moment. When everyone discredited my dreams, including me, he was there to revive my confidence in what I had chosen. Repartir gave me opportunities and opened doors where there were only walls. And , above all, made me a better person!"

"Instituto Repartir was my very first professional experience in communications and I'm happy to have started this journey in a place where I've felt welcome to share ideas and feelings. I have met people, causes and incredible struggles that I carry to this day with much appreciation."

"Instituto Repartir is a bridge that leads us to paths of reflection and change. It's an incentive to find the power of transformation within us through creativity and communication skills, to reach our utmost potential and help others. I'll always treasure this beautiful path."