Our Purpose
55.5% of students who reach higher education in Brazil drop out of university, according to the Higher Education Map, the majority in a situation
of socioeconomic vulnerability.
Given this scenario, the Instituto Repartir exists to strengthen the inclusion of communication students from low-income families in universities and the job market, thus contributing to the reduction of social inequalities.
We prioritize the inclusion of black women and LGBT+ people.
How We Operate
Training, Development and Mentoring
We train young people to have a repertoire and portfolio. We enhance protagonism, autonomy and social awareness
Generation of Work and Income
We generate work and income for students, who support social organizations in communication projects free of charge. This is our Social Technology
Insertion into the job market
We promote the insertion of
these young people
into the job market in
a qualified way, to
change their reality
What We Do
We hire young people as interns for a training journey and development of communication
products for social organizations.
We promote Training and Inclusion Workshops intensive, with technical and
human training.
We provide a Inclusive Bank of Communicators for the communication market.
Check out our Projects in the home menu.
Our Impact
young people benefiting
training hours
93% black people
75% women
59% LGBT+
of students remain in university or graduate
of young people are in the job market
social organizations served or in service
communication products delivered
Do you want to support us?
Who supports us
Through our recurrent crowdfunding and campaigns, we've had about 436 donations done by natural and legal persons in more than 2 years. Come Share (Repartir) with us.
Make your donation. Click here.
Instituto Repartir is also committed to agendas that it believes are relevant to Brazilian society.